Friday, 3 January 2014

A very fitting New Year’s project.

I’ve never knitted so many socks as I did this Christmas, a few Christmas decorations and very little progress on Hector’s jumper.

My first task of 2014 is to finish the projects in my knitting basket. There are only a couple, Hector’s jumper being one.

And this amazing scrap yarn project that I started.
I saw a ball of this wool on Pinterest and had to give it a go. I keep all the loose ends from pieces and all the last little bits left of a ball of wool.

 My intention was to use them for stuffing, but this looks much more fun. I couldn’t quite wait to finish tying them together or think of a suitable project so knitted a sample. 

Oh the possibilities. I’m very excited. It’s also a lovely trip down my knitting memory road. As I tied each little thread together, some that will create a single stitch, I remembered presents I’d made, failed experiments and glorious Eureka moments. A very fitting New Year’s project and one that I urge you try.

And also down at the Carolyn Rose School of Sewing we have put in place some new classes. There are regular classes on Thursday nights and Tuesday mornings, so if you fancy learning to knit or have a project that you need help with, contact me for more details and to book a place.

Carolyn has also started to stock Bergere De France wool. It’s such a lovely brand and I’m looking forward to getting my hands on it. I have the lovely task this weekend of knitting up some samples.

All in all it’s feeling like a very exciting year ahead.

Happy Knitting!!